Sunday, October 21, 2007


ever think of if ALIEN = HUMAN??
perhaps this thinking comes into my mind
ALIEN is what HUMAN becomes
because you can see they have same features
maybe back to billion years ago
as what we have today, before the IceAge of earth
Human by then already invent some very high tech thingy
they knew IceAge is coming and going to destroy everything on earth
so they already going to far far galaxy away and build a new nation there
Now, 2007, human do hv some alien-sightings, rumored
maybe they come back to visit earth to see how advance we have become
and by then, they already have super high tech thingy on their planet
a place which need billions of light year from earth, you see
Universe has no ending
And this another new one
Those Alien have some cutey horrible faces right??
maybe they hv some plastic surgery or DNA modification so they can breath outer space air?
and they do need this kind of feature to accommodate the environment on their planet?
it will be billion of possibilites
judge it for yaself
Hey, could this become the story of a movie?
If yes, share my portion

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