Tuesday, January 22, 2008

dear readers..

From now on, i will try to change my blog structured..
some of my reader say my blog is complicated and hard to read.. and i also think that way.. hahaha

ok.. now the blog will be mostly about myself.. my life.. everything about me.. it will be jz like an online diary for me.

I hope the other readers of my blog can accept it.. continue to support me.. i will continue to blog for those who interested to know about me.

hehehehe.. blogging about myself sounded like real gay.. but anyway.. expressing myself is a good exercise too.. can atleast cut down some of lifes' stress. You readers should do this too.. if you all have blog.. please share it in the comment there.

Thursday is my final exam for a marketing research paper.. sounded cool huh?.. its all about memorizing anyway.. im getting sick of it.. i wonder why dont the tertiary education just come out with a memory course.. where teach us to memorize and develop our brain.. its real.. you memorize for the exam.. and after the exam.. you will forget everything.. whats the point?..

If i were the Ministry Education.. i am sure i will change everything.. schools would be like school of actor, school of music, school of anything everything.. from 7 years old kid.. they will be graduating maybe in 1 or 2 years time.. and then they can continue to study in what school they want.. isnt that cool?.. but i am sure i will get protested everyday from opposition hahahaha..

OK.. i am getting lazy about memorizing things.. i really dont feel like memorize it.. but anyway i think i can manage to do it by tomorrow.. thats why i decided to accept my friends invitation to go out yum cha now.. i think they will be coming to fetch me in few more minutes.. tonight will be yum cha.. snooker.. see gurlz.. hahahaha.. thats life but not that Memorize thing lolx..

ok thats what i mean about changing the blog structure.. from now on i will be bloggin like this.. support me ya my supportive readers~*



hehe...now easy to read jor . i sure support u geh coz i wan to noe u tis ppl is wat kind of ppl ...
study memang need to memories alll the teori .. i also hate bt exam really nid memories all important point .. tat is no other way jor .. i also wan to study at wat skul i wan when i small coz i though it really waste my time in the secondar skul . i think tat b4 ,y we direct study at college to take the course we interested n like .. anyway .. i wish all the best 4 ur exam n good luck ..

jesslyne said...

not interested to noe u la..xD
when tat day of this kind of school come..
remember to remind me oo..
haha..anyway good luck n all the best 4 ur exam la..